Postępowanie żywieniowe w cukrzycy kotów

Kurs ten ma na celu omówienie najczęstszych czynników ryzyka i objawów klinicznych cukrzycy kotów, a także informacji dotyczących powiązanej oceny, kluczowych czynników żywieniowych (KNF) i strategii zarządzania żywieniem.

Informacje o kursie

Using an engaging interactive format, this course will challenge you to watch for signs of diabetes in cats and teach you how the disease process works. Additionally, you will learn how weight control and proper nutritional support can help manage and reduce the impact of diabetes on a cat’s life.


This course features a short disease overview module, followed by a case study. You will accompany Dr. Hill and veterinary nurse Ana as they help their patient Leo, a 7-year-old domestic shorthair cat, and his pet parent Alex, through an in-clinic examination session with diabetes diagnosis and nutrition management, as well as a follow-up visit.


It is recommended that both modules are revised as well as viewing the resources for each if you need help to answer the module questions and quizzes.

You will need a general understanding of how to conduct a consultation with a pet and pet parent and an appreciation for feline health basics. Give yourself ample time to complete the course, ideally in a quiet, distraction-free setting. The course will take about 30 minutes to complete.

The course will give you an understanding of potential signs of feline diabetes mellitus and which cats are at high risk for developing this disease. You will gain knowledge and confidence in discussing nutritional management strategies for this common feline health concern with pet parents. You will be able to guide pet parents in implementing proven nutritional management to help manage a cat’s weight and diabetes symptoms. Ultimately, this will help you improve the quality of life for your feline patients and their families.

This course is comprised of two modules, including disease information and a case study.

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